La montagna del tè Jingmai, al confine sud-occidentale della provincia cinese dello Yunnan, è il centro di origine mondiale dell’albero del tè e il luogo di nascita della cultura del tè Pu’er. E anche la vita delle minoranze etniche locali, le loro feste, il cibo e i paesaggi locali sono fantastici. Potresti prendere parte a un corso di cinese individuale che include alloggi unici ed esplorazione della cultura locale a Jingmai Tea Mountain con la Keats School.
Abbigliamento e ornamento Nel corso della sua lunga storia, la Cina ha prodotto una gamma straordinariamente varia e raffinata di abiti e accessori, occupando un posto speciale nel pantheon della cultura della moda mondiale. Imparando l’abbigliamento tradizionale cinese, potrete immergervi nella cultura cinese. Abbigliamento I copricapi cinesi sono costituiti principalmente da cappelli o berretti e […]
La famiglia I cinesi danno grande importanza alla famiglia e ai rapporti di sangue. Un antico detto cinese recita: “Finché i suoi genitori sono vivi, un figlio non dovrebbe andare lontano; se lo fa, dovrebbe far sapere loro dove va”. Al giorno d’oggi, tuttavia, sempre più cinesi scelgono di lasciare la propria città natale e […]
Breve storia La Cina, una delle quattro grandi civiltà antiche, è una nazione con una storia di civiltà di circa 5.000 anni. La sua prima dinastia, la dinastia Xia (circa 2070 a.C.-1600 a.C.), fu fondata circa 4.100 anni fa. Ha attraversato diverse fasi storiche: società primitiva, società schiavista, società feudale, società semi-coloniale e semi-feudale, prima […]
Destinazioni popolari da esplorare nello Yunnan Lo Yunnan è una delle regioni più etnicamente diverse della Cina. Le minoranze etniche costituiscono il 33,6% della popolazione totale della provincia. Grazie alla sua posizione sul confine sud-occidentale, lo Yunnan ha anche un vantaggio geografico naturale unico, in cui si verificano molteplici collisioni di culture cinesi, il che […]
Il cibo in Cina Forse avete imparato che la Cina ha un sacco di cibo delizioso e non vedete l’ora di assaggiarlo. Ma vorrei ricordarvi che, a causa dell’enorme differenza di cultura alimentare tra Cina e Occidente, potreste rimanere sorpresi o confusi da molti piatti cinesi. Ad esempio, in generale, il cibo occidentale non è […]
I have been to Keats School to learn Chinese for 4 times now. The reason for coming back to this school is pretty much that the teachers I did work with were very good Chinese teachers. I make it a 5-year plan or even a 10-year plan to come back to this school. All the teachers have methods of looking at what your skills are. They are aware of at what level you are. I think it is worth for everyone.
It doesn’t matter what level of Chinese you have, or even you can start from the zero level. Your teacher will prepare the lessons according to your requirements. The advantage of living in the school is that you will have your tutoring, you will have your private accommodation with your own bathroom and all the meals provided. I highly recommend everybody to actually take the whole package because you get to meet other students.
I’ve been at Keats school and Kunming now for one month doing the one-on-one Chinese lessons with two different teachers. I really enjoy it. Both of my teachers are very friendly and patient. They really helped me to improve my Chinese, both of my reading and speaking. I really enjoy studying Chinese in Kunming as well. This city is really beautiful and the weather is nice, the air is clean. It’s one of the best cities in China to study Chinese.
My name is Sarah Fish. I am 81. I knew very little Chinese when I arrived. How was I going to survive 2 weeks of intensive Chinese course? I have to laugh when I think of that now. What a positive experience this has been! I really wish we could be here a little longer. The teachers are extremely encouraging, evaluating first how much someone knows, and then starting from there.
I have 2 teachers, and I do 4 hours a day. So I have got Dong Laoshi and Jin Laoshi. Both of them are very good. They made the experience very nice to me. They are willing to help you whenever, so if you ever have a question here, the teachers are always there to help you whether it is visas, whether it is getting around the city. Everyone wants to talk to you.
I have to say it’s tons of fun. I have been here for 2 weeks. Not knowing what it was gonna be like, I was more than surprised at how great it is. The teachers are great, they are understanding. They do a Chinese language program that suits just you. The location is perfect for learning Chinese in China.
So during my first week at Keats, I didn’t dare to speak any Chinese words. I found out that my Chinese level quickly improved since then. Although I have many options to study in China, for example, some other schools have homestay, I found I could immerse myself and fully focus on learning Chinese by staying at Keats.
Kunming is a fantastic city. The weather here is great. The school is excellent. The instructors are very helpful, very friendly. I strongly recommend that anybody who is looking for a Chinese language school in China come here to study. Kunming and Keats school are much better than any other place.