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Keats Blog offers great information about Chinese language learning, Chinese culture, Mandarin Chinese, and information about China.
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Is Chinese language worth learning?

My answer is a huge YES. Even though it is not a simple question, I still believe that the Chinese language is worth your sweat. Being widely spoken and practiced across the world, the skill of applying the Chinese language will benefit you in both personal aspects and professional growth.

Armed with this practical language skill, you will gain a deeper understanding of one of the world’s most profound and colorful civilizations and accumulate potential opportunities for your life and career.    

It’s worth learning because the Chinese language will open some doors for you.

It’s obvious that you wouldn’t just learn Chinese because it’s easy and accessible, but rather for the benefits that knowing the language will bring you.


The main driver of the language’s attractiveness is China’s booming economy and its status as a rising global superpower. China used to be an impoverished country. However, in the past 40 years, China has successfully transformed itself into the largest global economy.

At the same time, China also opened its market up to the world. It encouraged and attracted tons of foreign investment and economic cooperation to this land. Therefore, its economic power stimulates a huge demand for people who can bridge the gap between China and the rest of the world. And language skills will be the best tool they can work with. It makes speaking fluent Mandarin Chinese and the knowledge of a comprehensive understanding of Chinese culture rare and attractive. Using Mandarin is not just a language skill but can also give a power boost to your CV. Especially if you study Chinese in China, your Mandarin skills will further help you start a new career in China. 

Due to the lack of people in the Western business world who can speak both Chinese and English, there’s a huge demand for these skills, and of course, this can mean very lucrative wages.

Through learning Chinese, you can transform yourself from a low-value employee into somebody critical to the success of a project in China, thereby making yourself a beautiful hire.

It’s worth learning because knowing Mandarin will make your travel easier.

Being able to speak and understand Chinese Mandarin will greatly benefit your trip to China. For most Chinese people, especially those not living in the tier top city, communicating in English will be impossible. Mandarin Chinese is the official language widely practiced in China; you will have no problem in communication when you’re equipped with Mandarin skills, even if there are many different dialects in different areas.

Besides, the Chinese language is not a native language of China. By using this language, you can also visit Malaysia, Singapore, and more without difficulty. Many immigrant people in Western countries also speak Chinese.

It’s worth learning, for it will truly connect you with Chinese culture and challenge your mind.

China has a rich and vibrant culture. And learning the Chinese language is the key to open the door of its culture for you. Only through its authentic language can you truly enjoy and immerse in its ancient culture and history.

Once you understand all the twists and turns of the language, you can appreciate Chinese opera, poetry, novels, and more literature.

By appreciating these artistic works, you can also improve your Chinese language learning in return. There are EIGHT FILMS YOU NEED TO WATCH FOR LEARNING CHINESE.

Being proficient in the Chinese language can also benefit you a lot during your stay in China. You don’t need pictures in Chinese-only menus to get your hands on the best Chinese food, nor English indication to help you identify where you’re on the street neither.

The Chinese Characters may scare off a load of potential learners. It may look very complex; however, that’s also the key point that makes it charming and fascinating. Chinese character is the building block of the Chinese language. Once you start learning how to speak it, you will learn to recognize and write it naturally. There are several methods for your reference for learning Chinese characters faster and remember them better. You need to test out all these methods to find which one is suitable for you.

According to scientific research, studying the Chinese language can truly stimulate your brain power and make you smarter, for it’s a mental challenge task. Researchers found that learning Chinese can exercise your brain more than any other language. It requires many parts of your brain to co-function simultaneously to truly master the tones and characters, thus eating up more brainpower.

As a bonus, writing in Chinese also improves your motor skills and visual recognition.

It’s worth learning, for you will access a whole new world of Chinese online spaces.

While much of the world shares a common online space, this is not the case for China. It’s not only due to government restrictions but also the ever-present language barrier; China’s internet sites are effectively inaccessible to outsiders.

Full of its own unique multimedia and other content, the Chinese online platform is virtually unknown and waiting to be explored by the rest of the world.

Microblog is a good example of this point. It is a Chinese social platform that works effectively in a similar function to Facebook. Only when you’re proficient enough with your Chinese Mandarin will you access this space. This is another reward for learning the Chinese language.

It’s worth learning, for the Chinese language is actually simpler than you think.

Chinese language is too difficult to learn” is the most common reaction people will have when they think about learning this oriental language. However, Chinese is not as hard as you might think, and in fact, technology is making it much easier.

While learning Chinese comes with a lot of hard work, it’s actually easy to pick up once you get started. Like any other language, the Chinese language has its own unique set of grammar rules. The better part of this language is that it’s relatively simpler than English and most other European languages.

In a word, the Chinese language is a precious skill to learn and master. It’s about time to start learning Chinese now. The future of the world will likely be shaped by the billion-strong population of China, so learning to speak to these people and understand their culture are hugely useful moves.

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Rients's Story at Keats Kunming, My Second Hometown



Steve | UK

Small Group Chinese Class

I really enjoy coming here because it is like kind of a home for me. It is a great environment to learn Mandarin Chinese in China and meet great people from all over the world. Everyone here is extremely friendly. Kunming has a really nice climate. It is a very good mix of the modern city and also a lot of historic Chinese culture. Probably got the cleanest air in China and possibly the cleanest water too. I invite you to come to study Chinese in Kunming.


嶋田京子 | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

Kunming’s scenery is very beautiful. It is the best place to study Chinese in China. My favorite learning method at Keats School is one-on-one because it is suitable for everyone. My teacher is very good, very caring, and lovely. My life when learning Chinese in Kunming is very good and the weather is very good. The air is very good. It is good for the elderly’s body.


Simon | UK & France

Small Group Chinese Class

The visa application was really straightforward, because Keats School helps us a lot with that. Keats has a big emphasis on conversational practice, so we learn a lot of vocabulary and daily life plans which is very convenient for us to go around town and speak with Chinese people which is the whole point of learning Chinese in China.


Pakorn | Thailand

Small Group Chinese Class

It is very convenient to come to Kunming from Thailand. I really like my Chinese class and my Chinese improved a lot in a few months. There are many benefits of learning Chinese. The best thing I like about Keats is that it is in Kunming, a city with eternal spring. There is so much to see in Kunming and you will love this city after you come.


Jade | UK & Mauritius

Small Group Chinese Class

I think the Chinese learning environment here is great. The teaching methods are also very interactive and fun. What I particularly enjoy here is the fact that my teacher does not stick to the textbook. We spend a lot of time discussing general topics, such as Chinese culture, world news, typical expressions used by local people. We also discuss social and economic topics.


Sylvia | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

One thing I really liked was that I was able to work with my teacher to make an individual plan of study. Another really nice thing is that you live at the school, you feel completely safe.  You always have a group of people who are willing to do things with you on the weekends or in the evenings. They are serving you all the 3 meals a day, the food was excellent.


Mike | Australia

Small Group Chinese Class

I think Kunming is a great city, the weather is really good. I really like Keats school and found it is very organized. The teachers here are very good. They have a coffee shop and new classrooms, a new lounge area here now, so you can chill out with your friends and practice your spoken Chinese with natives. If you’re considering coming to Keats to study, I would really recommend it. It’s the best place to learn Mandarin and I think it will be a great experience for you.



Hitanshu | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

It doesn’t matter what level of Chinese you have, or even you can start from the zero level. Your teacher will prepare the lessons according to your requirements. The advantage of living in the school is that you will have your tutoring, you will have your private accommodation with your own bathroom and all the meals provided. I highly recommend everybody to actually take the whole package because you get to meet other students.

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