Jingmai Tea Mountain, den sydvästra gränsen till Kinas Yunnan-provins, är centrum för världens teträdsursprung och födelseplatsen för Pu’er-tekulturen. Och livet för de lokala etniska minoriteterna, deras festivaler, mat och lokala landskap är också fantastiskt. Du kan delta i en en-mot-en-kurs i kinesiska inklusive unikt boende och lokal kulturutforskning i Jingmai Tea Mountain med Keats School.
Kläder och prydnader Under sin långa historia har Kina producerat ett spektakulärt varierat och utsökt utbud av kläder och accessoarer, som intar en särskild plats i den globala modekulturens pantheon. Genom att lära dig traditionella kinesiska kläder kan du fördjupa dig i den kinesiska kulturen. Kläder Kinesiska huvudbonader består huvudsakligen av hattar eller kepsar samt […]
Familjen Kineser lägger stor vikt vid familj och blodsband. Det finns ett gammalt kinesiskt talesätt som lyder: ”Så länge föräldrarna lever bör en son inte resa långt bort; om han gör det bör han låta dem veta vart han tar vägen.” Nuförtiden väljer dock allt fler kineser att lämna sina hemstäder och föräldrar och flytta […]
En kort historik Som en av de fyra stora forntida civilisationerna är Kina en nation med en civilisationshistoria på cirka 5 000 år. Dess första dynasti, Xia-dynastin (ca 2070 f.Kr.-1600 f.Kr.), grundades för ca 4 100 år sedan. Landet har genomgått flera historiska stadier: primitivt samhälle, slavsamhälle, feodalt samhälle, halvkolonialt och halvfeodalt samhälle, innan Folkrepubliken […]
Mat i Kina Du kanske har hört att Kina har massor av utsökt mat och längtar efter att få smaka. Men jag vill påminna dig om att på grund av den stora skillnaden i matkultur mellan Kina och västvärlden kan du bli förvånad eller förvirrad över många rätter i Kina. Till exempel är det vanligt […]
I have been to Keats School to learn Chinese for 4 times now. The reason for coming back to this school is pretty much that the teachers I did work with were very good Chinese teachers. I make it a 5-year plan or even a 10-year plan to come back to this school. All the teachers have methods of looking at what your skills are. They are aware of at what level you are. I think it is worth for everyone.
Kunming is a great place to learn Chinese in China because not many Chinese on the street speak English. Keats has been a great school for me and a lot of other foreigners who studied in China recommended it to me. I think they are all right. The study method here is really structured. They make learning Chinese really easy. There are also a lot of cultural and natural places to visit.
I come to Kunming because I think the environment in Kunming is better and I heard that Keats School is better. I like the small group Chinese class because my classmates study hard and our teachers are very good. I like the teaching method of Keats because I like the activities at Keats. I think Yunnan is a particularly beautiful Chinese province.
At Keats, I have a lot of opportunities to practice what I have learned. I really like this school, because I can learn Chinese in one-on-one style, so I think this is the best immersion program in China and my teacher is the best teacher. I feel that without my teacher, my Chinese will definitely not improve so much. I’m very happy because, at Keats, I have improved my Chinese significantly.
Since last semester, we started studying Chinese at Keats. It was the best choice we can ever make. It is a really good school. The classes are a lot of fun, you learn a lot, but very interactive, so you talk a lot which means it is not just books and writing. Kunming is a really pleasant city to live in, especially if you compare it to other cities in the east. If you like to travel, if you like to study Chinese in a fun way, Keats has the best Chinese language program for you.
I took the one-on-one Intensive Chinese class for 6 hours a day. The classes are very interesting. The teachers are caring and the content the teacher teaches me is suitable for my level. It is an easy way to learn Mandarin. I have a lot of time practicing Chinese in class. The food is great here. I have improved my Chinese through this program at Keats.
I am a graduate student working on my doctorate degree at Columbia University. We were able to really focus on speaking especially interview-style speaking and we are able to really up my Chinese reading and writing skills, so when I go back to Columbia, I can take formal Chinese classes. It has been a really good experience and I really love my teacher.
I have to say it’s tons of fun. I have been here for 2 weeks. Not knowing what it was gonna be like, I was more than surprised at how great it is. The teachers are great, they are understanding. They do a Chinese language program that suits just you. The location is perfect for learning Chinese in China.