La montagna del tè Jingmai, al confine sud-occidentale della provincia cinese dello Yunnan, è il centro di origine mondiale dell’albero del tè e il luogo di nascita della cultura del tè Pu’er. E anche la vita delle minoranze etniche locali, le loro feste, il cibo e i paesaggi locali sono fantastici. Potresti prendere parte a un corso di cinese individuale che include alloggi unici ed esplorazione della cultura locale a Jingmai Tea Mountain con la Keats School.
Abbigliamento e ornamento Nel corso della sua lunga storia, la Cina ha prodotto una gamma straordinariamente varia e raffinata di abiti e accessori, occupando un posto speciale nel pantheon della cultura della moda mondiale. Imparando l’abbigliamento tradizionale cinese, potrete immergervi nella cultura cinese. Abbigliamento I copricapi cinesi sono costituiti principalmente da cappelli o berretti e […]
La famiglia I cinesi danno grande importanza alla famiglia e ai rapporti di sangue. Un antico detto cinese recita: “Finché i suoi genitori sono vivi, un figlio non dovrebbe andare lontano; se lo fa, dovrebbe far sapere loro dove va”. Al giorno d’oggi, tuttavia, sempre più cinesi scelgono di lasciare la propria città natale e […]
Breve storia La Cina, una delle quattro grandi civiltà antiche, è una nazione con una storia di civiltà di circa 5.000 anni. La sua prima dinastia, la dinastia Xia (circa 2070 a.C.-1600 a.C.), fu fondata circa 4.100 anni fa. Ha attraversato diverse fasi storiche: società primitiva, società schiavista, società feudale, società semi-coloniale e semi-feudale, prima […]
Il cibo in Cina Forse avete imparato che la Cina ha un sacco di cibo delizioso e non vedete l’ora di assaggiarlo. Ma vorrei ricordarvi che, a causa dell’enorme differenza di cultura alimentare tra Cina e Occidente, potreste rimanere sorpresi o confusi da molti piatti cinesi. Ad esempio, in generale, il cibo occidentale non è […]
One thing I really liked was that I was able to work with my teacher to make an individual plan of study. Another really nice thing is that you live at the school, you feel completely safe. You always have a group of people who are willing to do things with you on the weekends or in the evenings. They are serving you all the 3 meals a day, the food was excellent.
Kunming’s scenery is very beautiful. It is the best place to study Chinese in China. My favorite learning method at Keats School is one-on-one because it is suitable for everyone. My teacher is very good, very caring, and lovely. My life when learning Chinese in Kunming is very good and the weather is very good. The air is very good. It is good for the elderly’s body.
I think Keats is one of the best language schools I have ever been to. My teacher is such an amazing person. She is so good at teaching. She makes classes fun. I have learned a lot of vocabulary during my time here. I would really recommend coming to learn Mandarin Chinese at Keats School.
Listening and speaking in the classroom every day has improved my communication skills. After three weeks, my new words and sentences became more and more natural and fluent. Now I am used to thinking in Chinese, and I understand better what other people say, to be able to have real conversations with other people.
I really had a wonderful experience at the school. The teachers are very very friendly. In my class, we practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing. We play games and other fun activities. We have trips around town. The staff at Keats is phenomenal. My teacher is one of the best teachers I have ever had in my educational experience. She comes in with a smile every day.
Last year I started studying Chinese at University. The reason that I came here is that currently, I’m preparing for the HSK 5 test. Also, I heard that this is one of the best schools to study Mandarin in China. After I came here I realized that Kunming is a pretty cool city to live in and with regards to the teachers’ teaching methods, I think they’re very professional. And I think the language environment is good so now I’m ready to take the HSK 5.
The best part of the school is the patience the instructors had and the time to focus on the fundamentals like pronunciation. I think it is very easy to skip over those and go to vocabulary. But by learning the pronunciation, I feel like it helped me gain a better understanding of the language.
I found Keats to be very good, teachers are excellent and really take the students seriously. Kunming is the best place to learn Mandarin in China. The environment is awesome, no pollution. The air quality is great, good weather. The people here are very friendly. I come to take classes every day. I feel comfortable studying Chinese at Keats. I learned so many things, although I only studied at Keats for 2 months. I am really satisfied with my teacher. For us foreigners, Keats is the best Chinese school in China. Therefore, I would highly recommend Keats to all of you.